Company on Sundays
Daily Routines by the Manson Podcasting Network
Rachel Pupazzoni: ABC News Business Host and Reporter, organised lady, Pilates lover

Rachel Pupazzoni: ABC News Business Host and Reporter, organised lady, Pilates lover

Rachel has worked with ABC News in Australia for 15 years, as a News Business Reporter and Host of Close of Business, (Friday 930pm AEST) her daily routine is governed by deadlines, made a tiny bit more difficult by the fact that she lives in Perth most of the time.

Rachel is actually friend of mine, one of those friends that you never see but you still feel some attachment to, through lived experiences I think. We met each other in about 2006 when we were both young, ambitious journalists with the ABC in Bunbury in Western Australia – me the rural reporter, she the news journo. We were quiet competitive with each other, always trying to be the first to get a record on breaking and exclusive news stories – we followed the same paths, and ended up in the ABC in Perth together for a while – she as the radio next anchor which was a big deal and me as the Country Hour presenter.

You can find Rachel:

@RachelPupazzoni on Twitter and here on LinkedIn.

Company on Sundays
Daily Routines by the Manson Podcasting Network
Bite size insights into the daily routines of women.
What time do you get up? and what is the first thing you do? Do you keep lists? How do you manage the washing and when do you find time for exercise? What helps you wind down? And how do you get back on track on the bad days.